Cardiovascular outcomes with febuxostat vs allopurinol

The risk for cardiovascular events is thought to be increased amongst people with gout. In a study supported by Takeda (sponsors of the drug febuxostat), researchers compared cardiovascular outcomes with this agent to those observed with the more widely used agent,...

Pharmacogenomics gaining traction

It is increasing well known that an individual’s genetic makeup can exert a profound influence upon response to medications, via a range of mechanisms. The highly respected Mayo Clinic is now stepping up its investment in pharmacogenomics, with the advent of the...

Safe disposal of opioids is a public health issue

It would be impossible not to notice the huge international problem associated with opioid misuse. In a piece recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, commentators highlight that medication diversion is the largest source of misused opioid analgesics, in...