What is really in that complementary medicine product?

In Australia and in many other parts of the world, consumers have enthusiastically embraced complementary and alternative medicines – but how reliable is the provenance of these products? Australian researchers have recently used novel techniques such as DNA...

Simplifying antiviral treatment for people with long-term HIV infection

Especially in nations with developed health systems, HIV infection is increasingly managed as a chronic medical condition requiring life-long drug therapy. Researchers have recently addressed the possibility that the number of antiretroviral drugs might be able to be...

Pharmacists reduce falls in nursing homes

Researchers have examined the impact of the services provided by pharmacists in the aged care setting. 52 studies addressing services provided for nearly 31,000 residents were included. Of note, pharmacist services reduced the mean number of falls (‐0.50; 95%CI: ‐0.79...