Jun 11, 2020
A secondary analysis of a South Australian prospective cohort study has recently investigated the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) use at hospital admission and discharge. In addition, the contribution of PIMs to hospital admission was assessed...
Jun 9, 2020
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are most common in nursing home residents, but inappropriate use of antibiotics use for presumed cystitis (characterized by non-specific symptoms and positive culture results suggestive of asymptomatic bacteriuria or an improperly...
Jun 2, 2020
Research has recently been undertaken to characterize the clinical course of COVID-19 among people with inflammatory bowel disease, and to evaluate associations between specific clinical characteristics, and immunosuppressant treatments on COVID-19 outcomes.A large...
Jun 2, 2020
It has been noted that Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems have been widely portrayed as a broad remedy for various patient safety problems in health care, and researchers in the USA have sought to measure the safety performance of operational EHRs in hospitals on...