Respected Australian researchers have added further information that underlines growing concerns about the adverse effects associated with the widespread use of pregabalin. In a recently published study, examining 122,572 people dispensed pregabalin and also those managed for intentional pregabalin overdoses managed by a major Australian toxicology service, as well as pregabalin‐associated deaths referred for coronial assessment, the rate of pregabalin dispensing increased by 73,424 per year (95%CI 61,726‐85,121 P<0.001) between 2013 and 2016. Reports of intentional pregabalin poisonings, increased by 53.8% per year over the period spanning 2005‐2016 Pregabalin overdose commonly included co‐ingestion of opioids, benzodiazepines, and illicit drugs, and had high rates of psychiatric and substance use comorbidities. 14.7% of pregabalin users were classed at high‐risk of misuse, those most at risk were younger, male, co‐prescribed benzodiazepines or opioids, had more individual prescribers and higher pregabalin strengths dispensed. It appears that changes to public subsidy for the supply of pregabalin that occurred in 2013 may have had a serious impact.
More evidence on the risks associated with pregabalin
Aug 30, 2018