The association between gastric acid suppressants and risk of intestinal colonisation with multidrug-resistant microorganisms (MDROs) has been investigated by a team of researchers in the Netherlands. The systematic review and meta-analysis of 26 observational studies involving 29,382 patients showed increased odds of intestinal colonisation of MDROs of the Enterobacterales order (producing extended-spectrum β-lactamases, carbapenemases, or plasmid-mediated AmpC β-lactamases) and of vancomycin-resistant enterococci when acid suppressants were used (odds ratio = 1.74; 95% CI, 1.40-2.16). Another potential reason that gastric acid suppression therapy should be deployed wisely, especially in light of the global increase in antimicrobial resistance. The original research can be viewed here.

Contributed by Australian Medication Safety Services Associate – Isabella Singh