The OECD has recently estimated that the total cost of avoidable admissions to hospitals from Long Term Care (LTC facilities) in 2016 was in the order of $USD18, equivalent to 2.5% of all spending on hospital inpatient care, and is set to increase by about 20% in the 10 years if not addressed proactively. Moreoever, research suggests that over half of the harm that occurs in LTC is preventable, and over 40% of admissions to hospitals from LTC are avoidable. Inappropriate medication, medication errors, polypharmacy, indiscriminate medication prescribing and other medication-related themes are recurrent in the report. The opportunities for multidisciplinary interventions, including those involving pharmacists, to impact positively on this issue, are self-evident, and it is difficult to fathom the reasons that these issues are left to continue without more interventions to reduce the human and economic impacts. See the report here.