“Alert override” has been the focus of much research in health informatics, and the extent to which alerts are overridden are often viewed as a marker for reduced alert effectiveness. Using alert override does assume that alerts are being read and determined to be irrelevant by users. Recent research has suggested that with time, alert override tends to become habitual. Alert overload is a problem for users, and alerts embedded in electronic prescribing systems (ePSs) and computerized provider order entry (CPOE) systems are particularly relevant. Initiated at the point of prescribing the alerts are designed to warn doctors about possible errors in orders (e.g. allergies, inappropriate dosing, or drug-drug interactions). Alert fatigue, the mental state resulting from alert overload, is a frequent unintended consequence of clinical decision support implementation. This arises when prescribers are overwhelmed by and desensitized to alerts, leading to alert override. With the widespread implementation of electronic prescribing support, this has important ramifications for medication safety. Read more in this paper